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Hot air balloon

It's time to go Turkey

Follow @thezingapp and tag 2 friends

3 nights in a boutique cave hotel
Private balcony with views of the valley
Sunrise hot air balloon flight
Airport transfers, breakfast, insurance provided
Return flights from UK to Nevsehir (Cappadocia)

Ride the high of a rewarding prize

Step 1

Follow us on Instagram or TikTok @thezingapp

Follow @thezingapp

Step 2

DM us your Zing handle

Tag 2 friends in the comments

Tag your pals! You have until 11:59pm BST 31st May 2024 to apply! Winners contacted by Instagram and email. Next month’s Surprizing Reward is just as fabulous. 
Until then…

Convert up to £500 with no conversion fees, every month